SAFIYO MERCHANTS Limited, a commodity trading firm that exports agricultural products and solid minerals from Nigeria to international buyers located in over 150 countries around the world, gets between 7 to 14 export requests every day, and as such, provides a very wide investment opportunity for individuals and businesses looking to fund export transactions as a way to earn profits of between 10-35% between a period of 3 to 8 months.

We provide an entrepreneurial opportunity for individuals and businesses in Nigeria, India, Vietnam, China, Turkey, The United States, Europe, and other parts of the world to earn a commission of 5% of the cargo value when they broker an export transaction.
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safiyomerchants investment is a program that provide a great opportunity for individuals and businesses in Nigeria and other parts of the world to earn a profit of between 10-35% by investing in export transactions executed by SAFIYO MERCHANTS.
Is a program that provide an entrepreneurial opportunity for individuals and businesses in Nigeria, India, Vietnam, China, Turkey, The United States, Europe, and other parts of the world to earn a commission of 5% of the cargo value when they broker an export transaction.
To participate you can just simple contact us by filling the contact form below
No it is for anybody who what to invest his money
you can earn profits of between 10-35% between a period of 3 to 8 months
The commission paid is up to 5% of the total cargo value (terms and conditions apply)

Request A Quote Today
Reach Us
Location :
36-B Trade Fair Area, Zoo Rd Kano State, Nigeria
Email :
sales@safiyomerchants.com safiyomerchants@gmail.com
Phone :